How best to prepare for supervision
Here are some suggestions that may help you to get the most from our supervision conversations:
- Be clear about what you are coming to supervision for and have realistic expectations
- What is it that you want from supervision and is that doable?
- Think about what kind of relationship you want to have in supervision
- Who will you be within the supervision relationship?
- What relationship do you want to create with me, your supervisor?
- Prepare for your supervision by coming along with issues that arise in your coaching conversations
- What is it that you want to bring?
- How will you make sure that you bring what is most important?
- Be prepared to step away from all other distractions while you are in the supervision session
- How will you do that?
- Arrive prepared to
- Be as honest and open as you can
- Share where you are right now and where you are on your coaching journey
- Share experiences and insights that you have had and what you have done with them
- Hear alternative ideas and approaches and explore how they might work
- Take guidance and be challenged
- Play your part in the process and take responsibility for what you do as a result of the conversation
- Keep an open mind
- Learning from the experience
- Considering lots of perspectives
- Notice your reactions, emotions and thoughts during the conversation and use those to increase your self-awareness
- Commit to continuous learning and development
- Set yourself goals
- Reflect and carry through on action plans
- Adjust your coaching approach as a result of your insight and learning
- Keep a log of your coaching and supervision and how you have put learning in to action
- Commit to regular supervision
In a nutshell supervision is a relational conversation where supervisees reflect on their work and their work experiences in order to learn how to practice better.