Is it back to school time for world leaders too? The Choose You Project
Hi All, Hope you've had a great summer. I've returned from my break with a feeling that it's not just the children who have gone back to school. It seems that our world leaders are exhibiting some playground behaviours too! The biggest (but not the only) example is...
Grenfell Tower: Choosing Love: The Choose You Project
Another horrible week. Listening to Radio 4's Today Programme on Thursday I heard Jill Curnick (apologies if I've got the spelling wrong but I haven't been able to find it written anywhere), a former resident of the Grenfell Tower, respond with great poise and...
How do you know when you’re through the worst? The Choose You Project
Hi Everyone, Well no one can say politics in the UK is boring at the moment! I thought the political roller coaster created by the Brexit vote was quietening down, but after last night's election result it seems the thrills and spills are picking up pace again. It's...
Tonsils Or No Tonsils? The Choose You Project
Sometimes in life we are faced with a choice where bravery is required to help us make it. My recent decision to have my tonsils out was just such a one! (picture from I know small children do it all the time, but everyone told me (and I now know first...
Dealing With The Dark Days: The Choose You Project
Whilst we can't always choose whether bad things happen to us, we can choose how we respond to them. There's a quote in the film Batman Begins It's what you do that defines you And as Churchill said We must not lose our faculty to dare, particularly in dark days...
Involvement vs Commitment: Ham vs Eggs! The Choose You Project
Hello Everyone, I was listening to Radio 4 this morning (as you know I do!) and heard the following quote attributed, depending where you look, to either Martina Navratilova or Billie Jean King: The difference between involvement and commitment is like ham and eggs....
Truth: The Choose You Project
Hello Everyone. I hope your personal New Year is off to a good start, despite the interesting times surrounding us. 'Fake truth' is one of the things that seems to be adding interest. It's not something new of course. Whoever said it (it's been attributed to...
Choosing your Christmas: The Choose You Project
Sometimes I get to the end of all the Christmas busyness and think "I've missed it!" I can find myself spending so much time fussing over details that I can't see the overview and enjoy it: of spending all my time slaving away in the kitchen and never sitting and...
Choosing without all the facts! The Choose You Project
Big choices are being made in our house: my youngest is deciding what university he might like to go to. There are thousands of youngsters (and their grown ups!) all over the country going through this at the moment, having to make these choices without all the...